
We Use

Behind the scenes of technologies we use to increase your eCommerce selling points.

Technologies We Use - Marketing Efficiency

0. Skyrocketing Marketing Efficiency


At EncreasL, we focus on discussing the most significant technologies that boost eCommerce marketing productivity. Our dynamic approach keeps us up to date with cutting-edge advancements. By combining these key technologies, we deliver satisfying results across web development, SEO, eCommerce marketing, social media management, cybersecurity, AI Trends and business aspects.

  1. Full Web Development
  2. Full Search Engine Optimization
  3. eCommerce Marketing
  4. Social Media Management
  5. Cybersecurity
  6. Business AI and Software
  7. Support
Technologies We Use - Web & App Development

1. Full Web & App Development

1. WordPress CMS: Our web development service plans in our solutions page primarily utilize the WordPress CMS by default for website creation.

2. Web Programming Languages: We offer custom solutions using web programming languages or coding from scratch upon request. For personalized pricing and more options, you can request a free proposal from us.
2.1 HTML (HyperText Markup Language): Our team masters the fundamental structure of web development using HTML (HyperText Markup Language).
2.2 CSS (Cascading Style Sheets): Our team excels in crafting visually engaging websites with CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) to enhance the user experience.
2.3 JS (JavaScript): Our team is proficient in utilizing JavaScript (JS) to create dynamic and interactive web applications that captivate users and provide seamless functionality.
2.4 TS (TypeScript): Our team excels in TypeScript, a powerful JavaScript superset, ensuring clean, scalable code for sophisticated web applications.
2.5 Python: Our team excels in harnessing the power of Python to develop versatile and efficient solutions, leveraging its capabilities across various applications in web development and beyond.
2.5 PHP: Our team is proficient in harnessing the potential of PHP, enabling us to create dynamic and robust web solutions that cater to a wide range of business needs and functionalities.
2.6 Ruby: Our team demonstrates expertise in Ruby, enabling seamless development of robust, dynamic web development and applications.
2.7 Flutter: Flutter streamlines cross-platform app development with its expressive UI, hot reload for rapid iteration, high performance, and access to native features, backed by a strong community and Google support.
2.8 Laravel: Laravel simplifies web application development with its elegant syntax, robust features like ORM, authentication, and routing, facilitating rapid development, scalability, security, and maintenance, supported by a vibrant community and comprehensive documentation.
2.9 More Tools: In addition to the common web programming languages mentioned above, we may leverage various other web development-related languages to suit specific project requirements.

3. Frameworks: We utilize web development frameworks for enhanced efficiency and streamlined coding. Pre-built functionalities ensure faster development, delivering high-quality websites to meet your needs such as Bootstrap, React, Angular, Vue. js, Django, Ruby on Rails, and Express.js. For more information about the frameworks we use, contact us at info@encreasl.com.

4. Databases: We utilize Firebase, MySQL, MariaDB, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, Microsoft SQL Server, and Oracle Databases.
5. AI Software Engineer: Devin, an AI Software Engineer from Cognition Labs, leverages their expertise to architect and implement advanced solutions for app and website development. Devin's proficiency in artificial intelligence enables the integration of cutting-edge features such as natural language processing, computer vision, and machine learning into applications and websites.
5. Testers: Testing stage in web development is vital for bug detection, optimizing user experience, ensuring compatibility, assessing performance, validating functionalities, and enhancing security. It ensures a smooth, efficient, and reliable website launch.
5.1 Browser Testing Tools: CrossBrowserTesting, BrowserStack, Sauce Labs, LambdaTest.
5.2 Performance Testing Tools: Google PageSpeed Insights, GTmetrix, WebPageTest, Lighthouse.
5.3 Load Testing Tools: Apache JMeter, LoadRunner, Gatling, k6.
5.4 Security Testing Tools: OWASP ZAP, Burp Suite, Acunetix, Nmap.
5.5 Accessibility Testing Tools: Axe, Wave, Lighthouse.
5.6 Code Analysis Tools: ESLint, JSHint, SonarQube, CodeClimate.
5.7 Mobile Testing Tools: Appium, TestComplete, Xamarin Test Cloud.
5.8 Usability Testing Tools: UserTesting, Crazy Egg, Hotjar, Optimal Workshop.
5.9 Cross-Device Testing Tools: BrowserStack, CrossBrowserTesting, Sauce Labs, LambdaTest.
5.9aRegression Testing Tools: Selenium, TestNG, JUnit, Cucumber.

6. AI Tools: We leverage OpenAI, ChatGPT to GPT4 to solve complex web development problems.

Please note that we utilize specific technologies above depending on your needs.If you're curious about our approach or want to explore other web development technologies we haven't mentioned, please don't hesitate to contact us at info@encreasl.com.

Technologies We Use - SEO Best Tools

2. Full Search Engine Optimization

For a comprehensive Full SEO service, we may utilize the following technologies:

1. Keyword Research Tools: Google Keyword Planner, SEMrush, Ahrefs, Moz Keyword Explorer.
2. On-Page SEO Tools: Yoast SEO (for WordPress), All in One SEO (for WordPress), Moz.
3. Technical SEO Tools: Google Search Console, Bing Webmaster Tools, Screaming Frog.
4. Backlink Analysis Tools: Ahrefs, Moz, Majestic.
5. Content Creation Tools: OpenAI, Grammarly, Hemingway Editor, BuzzSumo.
6. Rank Tracking Tools: Google Analytics, Google Search Console, Ahrefs, SEMrush.
7. Local SEO Tools: Google My Business, Moz Local, BrightLocal.
8. Mobile Optimization Tools: Google Mobile-Friendly Test, PageSpeed Insights.
9. Social Media Management Tools: Hootsuite, Buffer, Sprout Social.
10. Website Analytics Tools: Google Analytics, Mixpanel, Kissmetrics.

Please note that we utilize specific technologies above depending on your needs.Feel free to reach out to us at info@encreasl.com for any questions about our approach or to explore other SEO technology tools we utilize.

3. eCommerce Marketing

1. OpenAI (Chat GPT to GPT4): Provides advanced AI-powered tools for content generation and automation.
2. Facebook Business Suite: Manage and advertise on Facebook and Instagram.
3. Google Ads: A powerful platform for pay-per-click (PPC) advertising.
4. LinkedIn Advertising: Reach a professional audience with targeted ads.
5. Twitter Ads: Promote your brand and content to a wide audience on Twitter.
6. Pinterest Ads: Showcase your products and services to a visual-driven audience.
7. YouTube Ads: Run video ads on YouTube to engage your target audience.
8. Instagram Ads: Use sponsored posts and stories to reach Instagram users.
9. TikTok Ads: Reach a younger audience through short-form video ads.
10. Snapchat Ads: Connect with a young and engaged audience on Snapchat.
11. Hootsuite: Manage and schedule social media posts across multiple platforms.
12. Buffer: Another social media management tool for scheduling and analytics.
13. Sprout Social: Helps with social media monitoring, publishing, and analytics.
14. SEMrush: Offers social media analytics and competitive research.
15. SocialBee: A tool for content scheduling and recycling on social media.
16. Canva: Create visually appealing graphics and images for social media.
17. BuzzSumo: Find trending content and influencers in your industry.
18. AdEspresso: Optimize and manage Facebook and Instagram ad campaigns.
19. Mailchimp: A popular email marketing tool that can integrate with social media.
20. Mention: Monitor mentions and track social media conversations.
21. SocialPilot: A social media scheduling and analytics tool.

Please note that we utilize specific technologies above depending on your needs. For more information about eCommerce marketing, please contact us at info@encreasl.com.

4. Social Media Management

1. OpenAI: Helps social social media managers generate creative content, personalize interactions, analyze data, automate tasks, and scale operations.
2. Hootsuite: Manage multiple social media accounts, schedule posts, and track analytics.
3. Buffer: Schedule posts, track analytics, and collaborate with team members.
4. Sprout Social: Monitor mentions, engage with your audience, and measure your social media results.
5. SEMrush: Track your social media performance and see how you compare to your competitors.
6. SocialBee: Schedule and recycle content, save time, and keep your social media accounts fresh.
7. Canva: Create visually appealing graphics and images for social media.
8. BuzzSumo: Find trending content and influencers in your industry.
9. AdEspresso: Optimize and manage Facebook and Instagram ad campaigns.
10. Mailchimp: Build your email list and send targeted emails to your audience.
11. Mention: Monitor mentions and track social media conversations.
12. SocialPilot: Schedule posts, track analytics, and collaborate with team members.
11. Later: Schedule and plan Instagram posts.
12. Planoly: Visualize and plan your social media content.
13. CoSchedule: Collaborate with team members and track your social media progress.

Please note that we utilize specific technologies above depending on your needs. For more information about our social media management technologies, please contact us at info@encreasl.com.

EncreasL - Cybersecurity Tools

5. Cybersecurity

1. Firewalls: Protects against unauthorized access and cyber threats.
2. Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS): Detects suspicious network activities.
3. Intrusion Prevention Systems (IPS): Blocks potential threats proactively.
4. Data Loss Prevention (DLP): Safeguards sensitive data from leaks.
5. Web Application Firewalls (WAFs): Defends web applications from attacks.
6. Encryption: Secures sensitive data during transmission.
7. Multi-factor Authentication (MFA): Adds an extra security layer.
8. Vulnerability Scanning: Identifies and fixes security vulnerabilities.
9. Patch Management: Keeps software up-to-date for security.
10. Backup and Disaster Recovery: Ensures data recovery in emergencies.
11. Security Awareness Training: Educates employees on cyber risks.
12. Threat Intelligence: Provides insights on emerging threats.
13. Managed Security Services (MSS): Outsources comprehensive security management.

Please note that we utilize specific technologies above depending on your needs. For inquiries about our cybersecurity services, contact us at info@encreasl.com.

6. Business AI and Software

We will be integrating Business AI and Software for free in our services. We continuously update and integrate AI and software advancements to maximize workflow efficiency for eCommerce owners with our dynamic approach.

1. AI Trends

AI Tools We Use

1.1 Natural Language Processing (NLP): Natural Language Processing (NLP) can personalize product recommendations, generate content, and create chatbots such as OpenAI GPT4, and Google Bard.
1.2 Fraud Detection AI: Fraud Detection AI such as SAS Fraud Detection can help businesses to reduce their risk of fraud. This can help businesses to protect their reputation and their customers.
1.3 Virtual and Augmented Reality: Virtual Reality enhances customer experience, enables immersive product exploration, and boosts engagement for ecommerce businesses.
1.4 Virtual Assistants AI: Streamlines customer support, order tracking, and personalized recommendations, enhancing the overall shopping experience.
1.5 Customer Segmentation AI: Customer segmentation AI helps target specific customer groups, increasing personalization, engagement, and conversion rates for ecommerce.

2. Business Intelligence Software

Business Intelligence Software

As a gesture of our commitment to eCommerce growth, we will be integrating this powerful BI feature into our services for free very soon, ensuring you can harness the full potential of data-driven decision-making without any additional costs. Together, let's propel your ecommerce business to new heights by embracing the power of Business Intelligence.
By leveraging AI and sophisticated software algorithms, our services will enable you to effortlessly uncover valuable trends and gain actionable insights. Here are five compelling reasons why integrating BI into our services can significantly benefit your ecommerce business:

1. Data-Driven Decision Making: BI empowers you to make informed decisions based on real-time data analysis, enabling you to identify growth opportunities, optimize marketing strategies, and respond to market trends effectively.
2. Personalized Customer Experience: With BI, you can understand your customers better by analyzing their behavior and preferences, allowing you to deliver personalized experiences that increase customer satisfaction and loyalty.
3. Inventory and Supply Chain Management: BI provides valuable data on inventory levels, demand patterns, and supply chain efficiencies, enabling you to optimize inventory management and streamline your supply chain operations.
4. Performance Tracking and KPIs: BI dashboards provide a clear overview of key performance indicators (KPIs), allowing you to monitor the performance of your ecommerce business in real-time and quickly identify areas for improvement.
5. Forecasting and Predictive Analytics: BI utilizes advanced forecasting and predictive analytics models, helping you anticipate market changes, demand fluctuations, and customer behavior, giving you a competitive edge in the dynamic ecommerce landscape.

We'll let you know ASAP when we start integrating this service into our offerings, and it's all on the house!

3. Business Manager Software

Business Manager Software - EncreasL

Business Manager Software, designed to revolutionize your ecommerce operations. We are thrilled to announce that we will be integrating this feature into our services, absolutely free of charge, for our beloved ecommerce business owners very soon!

5 Benefits for Ecommerce Business Owners:

1. Streamlined Operations: Automate and optimize workflows, saving valuable time and resources.
2. Intelligent Insights: Gain data-driven insights for better decision-making and strategic planning.
3. Enhanced Efficiency: Increase productivity and reduce manual tasks, boosting overall performance.
4. Improved Customer Experience: Deliver faster, more personalized services to delight your customers.
5. Scalability & Growth: Expand your business with confidence, as the software adapts to your evolving needs.

We'll let you know ASAP when we start integrating this service into our offerings, and it's all on the house!

4. Customer Service Automation

Customer Service

We are thrilled to introduce Customer Service Automation, powered by AI. Great news! We are actively using and integrating this service. Feel free to reach out to us at info@encreasl.com, and we'll be more than happy to assist you according to your specific needs, exclusively for our beloved ecommerce business owners.

5 Benefits for Ecommerce Business Owners:

1. Effortless Support: Automate customer inquiries and responses, reducing the burden on support teams.
2. Personalized Assistance: AI-driven interactions provide tailored solutions, enhancing customer satisfaction.
3. 24/7 Availability: Round-the-clock support ensures customers are assisted at any time, boosting loyalty.
4. Swift Issue Resolution: AI's speed and precision tackle problems swiftly, minimizing customer wait times.
5. Data Insights: Gather valuable customer data and trends, informing improvements and strategic decisions.

5. Marketing Analytics

EncreasL - Marketing Analytics

Announcing our latest offering: Marketing Analytics! We're excited to share that we'll soon integrate this powerful feature into our services, absolutely free for our beloved ecommerce business owners.

5 Benefits for Ecommerce Business Owners:

1. Data-Driven Decisions: Leverage analytics to make informed marketing decisions for better results.
2. Targeted Campaigns: Identify and reach the right audience, maximizing the impact of your promotions.
3. Improved ROI: Optimize marketing spend by focusing on strategies with the highest returns.
4. Real-time Insights: Stay up-to-date with campaign performance and make necessary adjustments promptly.
5. Competitive Edge: Gain a deeper understanding of market trends, outperforming competitors in your niche.

6. AI for Content Creation

Technologies We Use - AI Content Creation

Embrace the future of content creation with AI! We're excited to announce that we'll soon integrate this cutting-edge feature into our services, free for our beloved ecommerce business owners.

5 Benefits for Ecommerce Business Owners:

1. Time-saving Automation: AI generates content in minutes, freeing up valuable resources for other tasks.
2. High-Quality Creatives: Stunning and engaging content helps drive promotions and customer engagement.
3. Enhanced Productivity: AI streamlines content creation processes, increasing overall team efficiency.
4. Scalable Growth: Easily meet the demands of a growing business with automated content generation.
5. Competitive Edge: Stay ahead of the curve by leveraging advanced AI technology in your marketing efforts.

7. Recommendation Systems

Recommendation Systems - EncreasL

Introducing our game-changing Recommendation Systems! Soon, we'll integrate this AI-powered feature into our services, providing it for free to our beloved ecommerce business owners.

5 Benefits for Ecommerce Business Owners:

1. Personalized User Experience: AI recommends tailored content, enhancing customer satisfaction and engagement.
2. Increased Conversions: Precise suggestions lead to more relevant purchases, boosting conversion rates.
3. Retention & Loyalty: Users find value in personalized recommendations, leading to long-term loyalty.
4. Automated Upselling: AI suggests complementary products, maximizing average order value effortlessly.
5. Data-Driven Insights: Collect valuable user data to refine strategies and improve overall platform performance.

If you have any questions regarding our integrations with Business AI and Software, please don't hesitate to contact us at info@encreasl.com.

7. Support

At Encreasl, we leverage these cutting-edge technologies to optimize operations for maximum efficiency. Our approach is adaptable, tailored to your specific needs within the ecommerce industry. For any questions or clarifications, please don't hesitate to reach out to us through our contact page or via email at info@encreasl.com.

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